Founded in 2022, HyperSpectral fills a growing need in the market for better, more efficient detection of pathogens and contaminants.

Our SpecAI™ platform empowers health care, food and beverage safety, and other industries to unlock insights through a unique pairing of spectroscopy and artificial intelligence that allows us to deliver results faster and cheaper than traditional methods.

Sensor Hardware
Optical Science
Artificial Intelligence​
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Platform Architecture
Regulatory and Clinical


Matt Theurer
Co-Founder / President, CEO
Matt is a highly accomplished global technology executive and entrepreneur with over 25 years of success in IT, cloud computing, virtualization, data centers, disaster recovery, and solution architecture, leveraging advanced science and technology to solve complex business problems for companies of all sizes and stages.
Lauren Stack
Co-Founder / Chief Operating Officer
Lauren is a seasoned operations management expert and successful entrepreneur with a proven track record in business scaling, corporate governance, strategy development, and talent management.
Vince Lubsey
Co-Founder / Chief Product Officer
Vince has over 30 years of experience specializing in software and systems design covering early stage startups to multinational corporations. He was a co-founder and EVP of Product Management and Solution Architecture at Virtustream before it was acquired by Dell Technologies.
Simi George, Ph.D.
Chief Technology Officer
Simi is an accomplished strategic Product Manager and DataScientist with extensive experience leveraging AI/ML in optics and laser technology delivering patented products and driving strategic innovation.
Erik Avaniss-Aghajani, Ph.D.
Chief Science Officer
Erik is a highly experienced molecular biologist with a proven track record in clinical testing, laboratory management, and the development of innovative, FDA-approved diagnostic assays, bringing a wealth of expertise in translating cutting-edge research into real-world applications that improve patient care.
Dr. Adam Saltman
Chief Medical Officer
Adam is a highly regarded medical device industry executive with a deep background in FDA regulations, clinical practice, AI, and medical devices utilizing spectrometry and optical analysis, synthesizing his expertise to hit the Quadruple Aims of Healthcare Improvement and ensure patients receive the right products at the right time.
Logan Spears
Chief AI Officer
Logan is an experienced AI/ML and technology leader with a track record of developing vision-based ML systems at enterprise scale, leveraging AI/ML to create market-leading products, and achieving remarkable accuracy in production deployments for major clients.

Our team of problem solvers has decades of experience and expertise in AI, spectral science, and software. We’re eager to show how our spectral intelligence solution can work for you.

Interested in working with us?